'Morning Light in B Major'
February 29, 2012
Circle Game
I’m a little late, perhaps, in getting this page up for the new season, but here
we are. Things are changing, and I am still in a big life transition. I am in the
slow process of moving about 70 miles from where I currently live. (The romantics
out there will appreciate that love has won out over business-
So, I am selling out or winding down on many old favorites, but even so, I can’t resist the lure of something new. Erythroniums, especially, are looming large on my horizon. As noted on another place on this page, I have acquired a collection of never released or named Erythronium hybrids. As I write this, in late February, they have just started to poke their leaves above ground, and I can see flower buds expanding. I will be photographing and documenting them as they bloom, and I am also in the process of developing a web page devoted to Erythroniums. I will keep you all informed. I will be starting to release them this coming fall. One of the reasons they are not more widely available, I believe, is that they are a bit tricky to ship. They are somewhat fragile and need careful handling, and the shipping season is short. Though technically a bulb, they do not have the protective coating (a ‘tunic’) of, for example, a tulip or daffodil, so they tend to dry out if they are left to sit too long before being planted. But with careful handling and proper placement, these lovely little, graceful, lily relatives can be long lived and carefree, and can be an exceptionally charming part of the spring garden palette for many years to come.
So -
I admit it, I love garbage. Yes, toss me your rotten apples, your slimy cucumbers,
your crusty carrot peels. Give me your old yellowed broccoli, your squashed squash,
your decomposing tomatoes, your over-
The circle is complete, but keeps on turning.
January 20, 2011
These are a few of my favorite things (tra-
After a three year hiatus from being a mail order nursery, I am back up and running. I’m trying not to run too fast, though.
Life is just too short to be going crazy, and I don’t want to be running so fast that I miss the best stuff. So, most things that have to get done, eventually get done, I guess, at least in my ‘that’s good enough’ world. We only have so much time, and I can only hope that in retrospect, it’s the important things in life I have chosen to spend time on. Spending time as if it is a commodity, such an interesting thought. And what have we ‘bought’ when we ‘spend’ our time? In the end, we can only hope that we have spent wisely. As Bob Dylan once said ‘Time is a jet plane, it moves too fast.’ That’s for sure.
But it’s time now, to get back to business, so the on-
The garden is still in winter mode. The leaves still lay where they have fallen.
The worms and bacteria and other macro and micro organisms are doing their job, returning
all that valuable organic material back to the soil. Its a beautiful thing. Soon
I will get out and do a good clean-
Music and piano playing still occupy much of my time. I still can’t get enough, still lovin’ to boogie and playin’ the blues.
And the worm thing ? Well, I have learned a lot about worms and worm composting
in the last few years, and have the utmost respect and appreciation for the job that
worms do in breaking down and recycling organic waste. I have worm bins outside the
door, in the compost area, and on the kitchen table. And, yes, a bunch of worms
in captivity is called a herd, and though they usually stay put, there have been
a few instances of mass escape, and I have had to ‘herd’ them back. (It’s a long
story, not something I really like to talk about) They are kind of like my little
pets, though I do draw the line about letting them cuddle up on the bed with me.
The intention is to develop a worm-
So, welcome ( or welcome back) and thank you for looking at my pages. Stay in touch
! E-
August 19, 2010
My dryer finally gave out on me today. I knew it was going, and though a few jiggles
here and there had kept it going for a while, my ‘high-
But in the nursery business, as September nears, the busy fall season is about ready to start up again and the long hot days of summer, some of them actually luxuriously lazy hazy, (as the old song goes), are soon to be a memory. There are a few last blasts, a last camping trip up the Santiam River, the Oregon State Fair, some music events, still some carefree afternoons napping in the shade on a hot afternoon. It does feels a bit decadent when there is so much to be done, but I’m getting used to it and just letting the pleasure of it all take me away.
The garden is overflowing and overwhelming. What used to be a beautifully tended garden with a perfectly edged lawn (when Bill was still with us), now, definitely, has my stamp on it. I tend to be a ‘good enough‘ kind of a person. And in my eyes it IS good enough. I plant more randomly, the lawn edges are raggedy, trees need to be pruned, there is a bit more of a wild feel to it, but I love it, and when the obvious weeds are pulled, and the lawn is mowed, it actually looks quite lovely.
The frustration, of course, is in having ideas and vision of possibilities, and to be honest, a secret wish that it WAS perfect, and there is just not enough time, even for someone with better time management than myself. So I deal with the most obvious and shut my eyes to the rest. Early on this year, I made a conscious decision to see the beauty and not the weeds and the unfinished work. And it is beautiful. There is beauty all around us, and it is so easy to miss it by focusing on the mess, or whatever negative stuff may be going on. It’s all in attitude, for sure, and the choices we make.
So the plants keep growing and I keep propagating. I had hoped to have my on-
And I am always available for talks to garden clubs or other organizations.
February 1, 2009
Can it really be February already? Days into weeks into months are getting away
from me. There is little more time to dilly-
For those interested, however, I do foresee myself getting back to a limited mail
order business this fall. But I need more organization in my life, so for now, the
packing shed will be holding gloves, irrigation supplies, fertilizer, slug bait,
tools, twist ties, pens, brooms, and other frequently used items. I have spent the
last week cleaning and organizing the potting barn, taking 15 years worth of old
pots and ripped greenhouse plastic that had been stashed away in a couple of the
old horse stalls (out of sight/out of mind), to the recycling center, in good faith.
I can only hope they actually do get recycled. I am really quite horrified by the
amount of garbage (and so much if it is so easily recyclable!) being tossed non-
The plant season will be upon us shortly. Actually it has already started. Hamamelis
‘Arnold Promise’ (a bright yellow Witch Hazel) has been blooming for about a month
already, just outside my back door, lemony fragrant when the days are warm enough.
The buds on the fasciated Pussy Willow in the border along the back of the parking
lot are starting to split, showing the characteristic silky silvery-
I really don’t know what to do about the rabbits. Coyotes and cats used to keep them
under control, I think, but the cats are gone now. The coyotes are still around (I
hear their mesmerizing, eerie singing at night, sometimes they are REALLY close),
but they are no match for the proliferation of rabbits. Yes, rabbits do -
And I really don’t know what to do about the moles either. What used to be nice
smooth green lawn has erupted into a field of mini-
So I have to let them be for now, though I may go on a rampage soon. I’m presently in the throes of cleanup/organizing, and I’m actually enjoying it! The garden is one of my next projects, after some seed sowing, and hardwood cuttings.
I haven’t done any fall garden cleanup this time around, other than a little raking
up of leaves off of the lawn early on, and even that was minimal. And the only reason
that the front part of the garden (another out of sight/out of mind area) does not
have a heavy covering of maple leaves smothering what is left of the grass, is that
the neighborhood kids came in and raked it, unbeknownst to me, so that they might
have a big pile of leaves to play in. They told me about it after the deed was done
But the music keeps me energized and enthused. I’ve spent the last 2¼ years taking
weekly piano lessons, mainly learning blues patterns, boogie-
So, now I’m heading outside, but tonight I will spend a couple more hours practicing. I’m currently working on the New Orleans classic ‘Big Chief’, and some slow blues. It’s not quite easy yet, but it sure is fun, and when it does feel right, it’s worth all the wrong notes, bad timing, and heavy hands it took to get to that sweet spot.
Jan. 15, 2009
So, it's been 2 years now since I've actively pursued this business venture. I took the time off to reflect and try to reorganize priorities and decide how to proceed in my life. Fast ? Yes, the time went too fast. It's hard to keep up. Like any vacation ( though I never considered this a ‘vacation’), at the beginning, the time seemed to stretch far into the future, the days ahead deliciously empty and ready to be filled with relaxation and adventure and learning. Yes, plenty of time.
And suddenly it's over. I did accomplish some of what I set out to do. Didn't even get started on some. Got realistic and realized that I would never be able to do some of the things in this lifetime that I would like to do. It's all about time, isn't it? And having to come back to reality and knowing that I AM getting older and that I really better get serious. Wanting to resist it, but knowing that resistance makes it worse, as it just takes one out of the moment, and then the moment is missed, and that is really what makes the time fly. I’m working on it. Actually, I seem to be saying that about most things in my life these days. ‘I’m working on it’. It’s the best I can do. But its been an interesting, somewhat enlightening, last couple of years, and I will be pursuing these thoughts in writing here as the ‘time’ goes by, but for now I just want to get this web page up and running. .
Collector's Nursery,16804 NE102nd Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, 360-