It is a dilemma. Most of us in the nursery business chose to be here because of our fascination with plants, arrived at either through gardening or some kind of nature study. But too soon we find ourselves rushing around with so many details to attend to, so many jobs that have really nothing at all to do with plants, that we lose track of the reason we wished to be doing this at all. There is so little time for the lazy afternoons of quiet observation and contemplation, the ambling through the garden or the woods or the mountains, that brought us to this place in our lives. There is no time to putter.
Still, we try to make the time. I like getting up early, especially on spring or summer mornings, and getting into the nursery when no one else is there, to spend some quality time alone with the plants. I treasure the time I get to sit on the edge of a raised bed and spend an hour or so in weeding contemplation. I enjoy the evenings when I do take the time to notice what is around me without my mind rushing 10 steps ahead of my body, always thinking of the next project, but missing the moment. I love walking through the garden unconcerned, casually picking a weed or two, not obsessing or even caring about what isn't done, but instead, just absorbing the beauty and peace that is there. I love the days spent away in the woods or the mountains or the Columbia River Gorge, when I can start to restore some inner balance that has tilted off center. I admit that it too often feels as if I am stealing those days away, though in truth, they are the more important. And though these times are more rare than I would like, they do happen. Perhaps it is just a matter of changing perspective and priorities. I really haven't been able to figure out how to do this quite yet. But I'm trying. So today, on this second day of the new year, 2006, my resolution is to 'take more time to putter'. Wish me luck.
So, on to the plants. As we like to do, we continue to find and grow new and interesting
plants. What's new in the catalog this year? Some lovely perennials for the shade
garden -
So here we go, and as 2006 begins, Bill and I wish you happy gardening. And be sure to take some time to putter
I went walking late yesterday afternoon at Battle Ground Lake. It’s a short walk,
about a mile around this little caldera of an ancient volcano. It was a crispy clear
day, with ice patches forming in the shadows, frost rimming fallen leaves. No other
humans were there as the day turned dark – but I was hardly alone. A flotilla of
ducks were taking off and landing with regularity, breaking the silence with their
splashing as they kick-
I heard a big cedar tree moaning. I put my ear to it and had to peer inside the hollowed out base to see if there was some sort of animal making this eerie noise, but no, it was just the tree moaning in the wind. Huge boulders are covered with moss there, thick and emerald green like some lush upholstery job. Tree trunks are covered with moss, especially the Big Leaf Maples, where spores are nurtured and little Licorice Ferneries grow. The ground is covered with moss. Rocks are covered with moss. Downed logs are covered with moss. The benches and signs are covered with moss. I think I would be covered with moss if I stayed too long. I love moss. Really, I can’t get enough of it. Sometimes I bring some home and put it in shallow dish of water on my table to look at and to smell and try to identify how many different kinds I have in my small sample. It’s as pretty as roses.
I read somewhere that every day is filled with perfect moments. Its true. One just has to look and listen.
I think back over this last year and certain moments stand out in my mind, as clear as photographs.
Perfect moments can be found anywhere, anytime. They are certainly all around us
in our gardens: the setting sun lighting up a Red Twig Dogwood in the winter landscape
So I could go on and on, but I’m running out of room, and now we must talk about plants. Ah, yes, plants, and the big word this year is conifers. As the garden matures their presence becomes ever stronger. They are really showing their true form. They are the framework that gives the garden strength and substance at any time of year. And yes, some do take up lots of space with time, but there are conifers that fit every size garden and every style of gardener.
There are over 50 new selections on our list this year (some of these are returning
from years past). There are weepers like Tsuga heterophylla ’Thorsen’, Sequoiadendron
gigantea ‘Pendula’, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Sparkling Arrow’, and Picea omorika
‘Gotelli’s Weeping’, minis like Pinus mugo ‘Mr. Wood’, Pinus uncinata ‘Grune Welle’,
and Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Blauer Eichzwerg’, abstract forms like Juniperus rigida
‘Hi Kari’, Pinus monticola ‘Rigby’s Weeping’, and Larix kaempferi ‘Diana’. There
are golds, blues, variegated forms. All kinds -
We have some gorgeous new variegated maples this year, some neat new ginkgos, and new hydrangeas, among other offerings in our Trees and Shrubs section. And of course, we continue to add to our perennials offerings.
So, good gardening to all, and we hope to hear from you this year!
2004 to 2006 -
I have always been interested in ‘the big picture’. Before we started in this business, I had been on my way to a study of nature. Wild plants held the strongest attraction for me, and I began a personal study of them. It gave me a real practical purpose to go where I wanted to go – to the woods, to the mountains, on long drives through the wide open hills of eastern Washington and Oregon. Then we started the nursery and it seemed like a way to actually make a living and still justify the trips. Well, as anyone in a small business knows, reality does not always match up with the plans we might have for ourselves, and the time available for such things became farther apart as the demands of the business took over. But now, this year, I started to read seriously about plant evolution – a fascinating subject for me, but I quickly realized that I did not understand well enough the geological time frames that I needed to know. That quickly morphed into a study of geology, and as it stands right now, I am stuck in geology ! It is so interesting and there is so much to learn. It has taken some of the time away from the study of plants, but I will come back to it, with a deeper understanding of the big picture. But what it has defined for me above all else is how much everything in the natural world is so interconnected, including us, that to really understand one part of it, one has to have at least a sense of the rest. Obviously this will never end. There is too much to learn. I think it will keep me busy for the rest of my life. There are worse ways to spend a life. And this year, once again, I start this new year with a resolve to take the time I need for this search, as it really is a search for meaning and understanding. Hope springs eternal, as they say, and the world is an amazing place.
But plants still rule, so on to the business of this year. What’s new? We have over
100 new plants for sale (some of these were offered on our fall list), but some stand
out in my mind. There are a few of our own introductions again. Juncus effusus ‘Blonde
Ambition’ is here – a chance seedling found growing on our greenhouse floor many
years ago, a fun twist on the already twisted Corkscrew Rush, but this one is bright
gold with a corkscrew of a green stripe up each leaf. Epimedium ‘After Midnight’
is ready with its galaxy of white stars against a backdrop of dark chocolatey brown
leaves. Hosta ‘Purple Haze’ and the dynamic Hosta ‘Silver Lining’ are finally available.
We have been offering some Roscoea all along, but this year we have Roscoea ‘Brown
Peacock’, with its tall, purple, cornstalk-
Burgundy leafed Mukdenia rossii ‘Crimson Fans’ promises to be popular, as do both Echinaea ‘Prairie Frost’ and E. ‘Sparkler’, 2 new variegated Coneflowers. We are excited that the incredible Podophyllum ‘Kaleidoscope’ has returned. Japanese Maples are extremely popular and this year, among others, we are carrying the new ‘Ghost’ series.
For the conifer collectors out there, Bill is grafting lots of new ones -
And don’t forget to keep checking our WEB page for updates!
Even though these are out of date, I kind of like them, as a little insight into what I was feeling and thinking at the time, so I have included them.
Collector's Nursery,16804 NE102nd Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, 360-